Being a regular blogger

There was a recent survey on my company website about having a blog and regularly blogging. It turned out that while 75% confessed to having a heard of blogging, 45% did have a blog, only less than 10% actually blogged. I am in that 45%, but not in the 10%, though I actually want to be a regular blogger. What then are the barriers?

Not knowing what to blog on or Not having the time? On thought, it turns out that I am not short on either (may be a little on the second, but manageable), but it is the combination that makes you lethargic. It turns out that at the time that you have a thought or an idea that you think is necessary/worthwhile to share, you are actually on your throne in the bathroom or on a lonesome thoughtful walk. You then mentally make a note of it and move on, and promise yourself to write about it when you get to the desktop. But then, when you do, you have your emails, searches and all of that, and your little thought is burried in the deluge. Also, the same thought now looks ever smaller and not so worthwhile! And, alas, an opportunity has been lost.

What remedy? Don't know, but mobile blogging is a possibility. May not be in rich colour, or rich in design, but hopefully the words will say for itself! I hope I am able to expand this thought to action, and you are going to see a lot more of me here.....and with a little tag at the bottom, 'sent from my Nokia E71'.
