Setting for GPRS for Nokia 6300

Given the issues I am currently facing with P1i, I thought I might atleast upload the settings that I got from Airtel for my Nokia 6300. Here goes...

Settings for Airtel Online
What is it ? Browse on Mobile only, WAP based

Account Name AO
Home page http://mobile
use name
use pref acc point No

Acc point setting
Proxy enabled
proxy address
proxy port 8080
data bearer packet data

bearer settings
packet data acc point

To activate Airtel Online, send AO to121. Rate is Rs 5/ day
network type ipv4

To deactivate Airtel Online, send AO CNCL to 121.
authentication type normal'

Settings for Mobile Office
What is it ?: Browse on Mobile & on PC, GPRS Based

Account Name AO
Home page http://mobile
use name

use pref acc point No

Acc point setting
Proxy enabled
proxy address
proxy port 9201
data bearer packet data

bearer settings
packet data acc point
network type ipv4

To activate Mobile office, send MO to 6123 for daily (Rs 20), and 6122 for weekly (Rs 99)
authentication type normal'

Settings for MMS

What is it ?: Enhanced SMS, Send video/ audio from Mobile, Needs AO or MO

Account Name mms
server add
use pref acc point No

Acc point setting
Proxy enabled
proxy address
proxy port 8799

bearer settings
packet data acc point

To activate MMS, send MMS ACTV to121. Rate is Rs 6/ message
network type ipv4
To deactivate MMS, send MMS CNCL to 121.
authentication type normal'
