Trial by Media

The pen is mightier than the sword, they said, that in the age of golden journalism. Now, TRP rating is mightier than anythng else. The point to which media now goes to sensationalise things is atrotious. For one, they have to operate 24 hours a day, and news really isnt made "every hour, on the hour". So, what do you do? Make NEWS out of nothing, BREAK news as it "unfolds", and have a poor lady and a cameraman, and probably one another chap sit outside someone's house for days on ends. Where is responsible journalism? Does anyone care?.... News channel is just another entertainment channel, only the genre is different.

I am particularly worried about the consequence of the reporting of kidnap episode of Adobe CEO's son. The huge amount of coverage and spotlight (apart from putting pressure on the family who could do with some peace and solace), it also frustrates the kidnappers, 1. they know they are not going to get a ransom and 2. also bear the heat on the police (media pressue on the cops too). I only hope all this does not turn the kidnappers to do something stupid! All we needed was to allow the cops to do some good work, let the family support system work on the affected and report on the event on a dialy basis! I do hope the best for the kid and the family, and hope the channels showed more sensitivity about the whole thing.

I think the media presure is required where it is...Matoo case, etc etc, but do report, and not sensationalise to earn more advertising revenue! That sucks!
